
NVIDIA/caffe build memo

Here is the brief memo where I've installed NVIDIA/DIGITS and Caffe


  • Make sure boost.python is built
  • Don't mix protobuf 2.x and 3.x.  It works with protobuf-3.1.0 as long as relevant modules are using 3.1.0 version consistantly.
  • Dependency.cmake under caffe/cmake directory mssing ${HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES} at line 28 that leads link error as described bellow.
  • nccl module need to be built for multi-GPU enabled.  See

Setting up Debian Jessie desktop

This is the memo when install debian on my working machine.


Setup pasv ftp server on Microsoft Azure

Recently, I've setup vsftpd on the server '' that is the Linux (jessie) on Microsoft Azure.  It works excellent for most of web browsers.  However, get stacked at 'PASV' command when try wget command.  The curl command works file though...

The problem resolved by adding following lines to /etc/vsftpd.conf


Complete configuration listed below.  And of course, port 20, 21, 1035..1038 were open to public on Azure portal.


Apple mail search issue -- long term issue has been resolved

I'v having a problem with Mac mail search function that did not work. -- Well, when type in search box, Inbox list should be empty or start showing someting search result would be expected behavior.  Howerver, stay on original inbox list...

I've tryed several things including Spotlight re-index, e-mail accounts remove/re-import again...

Today, I have found a solution from the page


Windows 10 and Remote Hyper-V Manager on Server 2012 R2 Core

After new Windows 10 Professional has been installed on VirtualBox, install remote management tool and enable Hyper-V/Hyper-V Management Tools on Windows Features on or off.

Add server 'XENON' to Server Manager and set 'XENON\Administrator' as manager account.

Following command seems be requierd to enable 'Computer Management';

Allow MMC & WMI through the Windows Firewall, on both


Xilinx ISE_DS 14.7 Install log (Debian 7.8 Wheezy/amd64)


Debian Multiarch Cross compiler trial

Obsolete -- don't use following procedure

After hours of internet search for emdebian, I've found emdebian is now stealled.  It toward to multiarch.  So that I've tried to install cross compiler for amel by follow the steps describe

First, I made a flesh clean install of debian jessie D2 on Hyper-V, and then just did following;

Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list:





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