
Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls i18n_book_navigation_set_breadcrumb() (/home/sasaoj5/public_html/ms-cheminfo.com/sites/all/modules/i18n_book_navigation/i18n_book_navigation.module ファイル 212行).

Build on Windows


  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Version (https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/)
  2. git (git-scm.com)
    • Make sure git command avilable from both bash and cmd.exe​
  3. cmake 3.9.4 (https://cmake.org/download/)
  4. Qt 5.12.1 for Windows (https://www1.qt.io/download/)
  5. subversion (optional)
    • You can install Tortoise SVN or use cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/).  Make sure 'command line tools' option is checked when install Tortoise SVN. 
    • If you download qwt-6.1.3.zip directory, then you don't need subversion to be installed.

QtPlatz 4.0 and later versions require C++14/17 complient compiler, so that Visual Studio 2017 is required.

Process overview;

  1. Install Qwt library from source
  2. Install Boost library
  3. Install Eigen3
  4. Install RDKit (optional)

After all steps done above, then easy way to go:

Open "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2019" from Windows Start Menu

cd <qtplatz-source-dir>

[Automatically take you to build-x86_64\qtplatz.release dir]

[Open qtplatz.sln from VS2019, and build it]


