Quartus Prime Lite does not officially support Debian though...
Download 'Quartus-lite-', expand tar file and execute setup.sh can be done on Debian9. However, /opt/intelFPGA_lite/17.0/quartus/linux64/quartus cannot be started due to no libpng12.so.0 found. After hours of web search, I've found it can be downlaod .deb package for Ubuntu and it worked.
I've prepared new debian 9 install on HP 640 Workstation equipped with Quadro M4000 GPU. Install CUDA 9 RC (cuda_9.0.103_384.59_linux.run), and all dependent software for QtPlatz build. I got an error while compiling colormap.cu as "__CUDACC_VER__ is no longer supported." message. After few hours search, I've figured out it came from include/boost/config/compiler/nvcc.hpp.
Just dirty hack, comment out the line, then cuda compilation went through.
Create an SD Dard Image for Debian on Sidia Macnica
Build linux 4.4.52 kernel and debian 8 root file system based on this page.
Extract boot loader & u-boot from sodia image file
Our goal is to make a minimum debian system on Sodia board for fast data acquisition system development. It can be re-used for boot process files by copy from RocketBoard.org provided file.