Apple mail search issue -- long term issue has been resolved

I'v having a problem with Mac mail search function that did not work. -- Well, when type in search box, Inbox list should be empty or start showing someting search result would be expected behavior.  Howerver, stay on original inbox list...

I've tryed several things including Spotlight re-index, e-mail accounts remove/re-import again...

Today, I have found a solution from the page

Actual problem seems splotlight server was disabled by some reason -- maybe when update the OSX.

It was found by a command: "sudo mdutil -E /" that said Spotlight server is disabled.  That error message was the big hint to recover this issue, and restart by

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

sudo mdutil -i on

sudo mdutil -E /

It seems e-mail search start working -- need to wait until re-index will be completed.



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